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Beryl from Painters Palette - a lovely shade of green 45" w...
Cheerful shade of turquoise blue called Capri from Moda
Ebony from Painters Palette
Impatient from Painters Palette - a lovely shade of pink Width 4...
Pale green fabric called Limelight from Paintbrush Studios
Plain fabric in Mist which is a greeny/blue or could be described as d...
Plain fabric/material in cheerful shade of orange from Moda
Plain fabric in Orchid which is a pale pinky purple from Painters Pale...
Plain blue fabric in Pale Aqua a gentle shade of greeny blue material ...
Cheerful green material in shade Mint 033
Moda plain fabric - Pond. shade is blue/green a useful colour th...
Poseidon from Painters Palette - a strong shade of blue